
We hope you enjoy the WIP House blog. Documenting our labor of love and home ownership.

Back to Life, Back to Reality

Back to Life, Back to Reality

(Sorry not sorry for getting that song in your head). It was a wonderful two weeks of vacation. Here's what I did...

  • Took photos of house treasures until I got bored
  • Read through Grandma’s folders of trip memorabilia and traveled through time to far off places
  • Sat with the boys under layers of blankets watching Vine videos of Bat Dad for entirely too long
  • Took an entire day to pack up the Christmas decorations and pondered how I can make  January feel as warm as December did (Hygge, ya'll!)
  • Spent frivolous hours together with my husband the way we did before the business of building a family and careers took over
  • Impromptu Nerf gun battles
  • Listened to the boys and their friends play “Never have I”
  • Dusted bookshelves and organized books by category
  • Sang and danced with my boys
  • Took naps

Here's what I didn't do:

  • Anything I said I would. Not the boys' room, not getting everything up on the store, not reupholstering the other chair in the attic... none of it.

Yet somehow today I feel pretty good. Don’t get me wrong, I tortured myself about my "to do" list over the holiday. Especially that Tuesday when the kids went back to school after the holiday. After dropping them off, I sank my chilled bones into the bathtub and went into an internet browsing death spiral. "I should really get up and be productive, " I said to myself no less than one million times before exiting the tub to continue to be "unproductive." By Wednesday, I had had enough. I decided to give “should” the double bird salute.  

So today, despite heading back to 12 hour days, I feel pretty darn good. My time off felt luxurious. We're all still crammed into one room to sleep, but you know what, I’m ok with it. 

A cozy corner in my office.

A cozy corner in my office.

In the Jungle

In the Jungle

